You need to prioritize cheap cards over expensive cards and only pick the really good expensive cards. You're picking expensive cards way too highly, even expensive removal is not that good in this format. It's already a year old, from M20, but I believe it holds up to this day.ĮDIT: looking at your draft logs it's clear to me you don't have much in depth knowledge of the M21 format yet. I can also recommend the podcast episode "Drafting the Bot Way" from Lords of Limited. Here you take Edge but you're still thinking "I'm White, I will be WG if G ends up being open" P1P4 you see Hunter's Edge, Pridemalkin and the best W card is Battlements. All 3 cards are on a similar power level, Tyrannodon and Dragonfire are probably a bit stronger, but you still take Feat to stay on W. P1P3 you see Feat of Resistance, Tyrannodon and Dragonfire. If you see cards from other colors that are much more powerful (emphasis on the much), you take those too, and try to see what the open color might be. If you now see W cards of a similar power level than the other cards, you take the W cards.

From now on you should decide that White is one of your primary colors regardless of what is gonna happen the rest of the draft. That means you're waffling too much.Įg: P1P1 is Hallowblade and P1P2 is Faith's Fetters. You say you normally don't get there on playables and have to end up splashing. Getting deep into one color leaves you flexible to pick a second color by the end of P1 (where you see what powerful cards are wheeling) or by the beginning/middle of P2. I do advise to go for a general strategy though: in Pack 1 try to get deep into one color (maybe the color you opened bombs or premium removal in). Here are some of my recent Quick Drafts if anybody's interested: īot draft has generally been easy to exploit: there's always cards that bots undervalue and can make up a deck. And please do share your experience! Cheers! I suppose nobody had found the holy grail of Quick Draft because it would be all known by now but I hope this sparks some discussion. Is it better to just force the colors based on 3-4 strongest picks from pack 1? Or is there in fact some lane that we can follow, loopholes in bot behavior that can show with at least some certainty that this or that color is open? When I Quick Draft I seem to face against opponents with super well drafted decks like, pure quality juicy commons and uncommons, literally perfect Selesnya deck with 2-3 Basri's Acolytes, multiple Conlave Mentors, immediately online Drowsing Tyrannodon's and even mana base with a couple of Blossoming Sands.

It only gets worse from there, I get confused, start switching lanes and draft quickly becomes trainwreck. It's almost like they're taking random five color piles and they're not sending any strong signals at all! So often I feel like I'm falling for a traps like Drowsing Tyrannodon pick 8 pack 1 or Scorching Dragonfire pick 9 pack 1 on the wheel which would otherwise be a VERY strong signal that the color is open in a player draft. It seems almost impossible to find the open lane with bots.

I always struggle to find playables and have to dig deep into my pool to brainstorm some last minute splashes or weird niche strategies. I feel like it's always random 50/50% chance to draft a good deck or absolutely god awful deck with no synergies whatsoever and a mix of creatures from various archetypes. For this reason I would always pick 2 bot drafts for 10k gold instead of 1 premium draft for the same price just to get crushed in a similar manner that bot seems to do here.

Going 1-3 few times in a row can feel devastating in a harsh F2P environment that Wizards started pushing recently. I don't even rare draft! I just want to have pleasurable draft experience and half decent somewhat optimized deck that can win some games to break even with the rewards. Is there a possibility of drafting the hard way during Quick Draft like Ben Stark have taught us? I tried searching everywhere and I've only found articles on Draftsim, Channel Fireball and Mtgazone and several others on general drafting or limited guides and I seem to seek more ephemeral and specific tips or tricks related to MTG Arena AI bot behavior during Quick Draft or certain strategy that would help me increase my winrate.